What is the iGoogle? |
Google offers the ability to create a personalized iGoogle page that gives you at-a-glance access to key information from Google and across the web. On this self-designed page, you can choose and organize content such as: |
What is the igGameCenter? |
igGameCenter is a multiplayer games portal specially designed for integration into iGoogle. |
I already have the Google Account. Why should I register for the igGameCenter? |
igGameCenter is a privately raised project that is not affiliated with Google™ |
What is the difference between the fast and the certified sign up process? |
The fast sign up process does not check an identity of a new member in depth. The only information required to enter is a desired nickname and a password. |
I added the igGameCenter gadget, clicked the My Profile button and nothing happened. Why? |
Some pop-up blocking software prevents you from opening a new window from the igGameCenter site. You should allow opening pop-up windows for iggamecenter.com. |
Why don't you make the windows to be opened in the usual way and not as pop-ups? |
Browser window contains a lot of necessary and useful information for browsing including the browser menu, toolbar, address bar, bookmarks and other. However, all that stuff is useless when playing the game and it simply wastes your screen space. |
I have completed the certified sign up process but have not received any confirmation e-mail. |
First of all, try checking your Spam/Junk/Bulk folders - it could probably be there (the subject of the confirmation e-mail is "Member Registration Confirmation") If you don't find it, then write me an e-mail specifying the information provided by you during the sign up process and I will try to resolve the issue. |
I asked to enter my e-mail / nickname and password for logging in, submitted them and returned back to the login window without any error message. Why? |
The problem is probably with cookies. Authorization with igGameCenter requires that the first and third-party cookies will be allowed for iggamecenter.com. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can do it by choosing Tools -> Internet Options. Open the Privacy tab, click Edit button in the Web Sites section, type iggamecenter.com and click Allow button. If you are using Firefox, you can do it by choosing Tools -> Options. Open the Privacy tab, click Exceptions button in the Cookies section, type iggamecenter.com and click Allow button. Please note that the cookies could also be blocked by some third-party software (antiviruses, antispam, personal firewalls etc.). |
Can I add the igGameCenter gadget to my site or blog? |
Just copy the following HTML code and paste it anywhere you want: You can change "width", "height" and "lang" parameters. |
What rating system is used in the igGameCenter? | ||||||||||
The igGameCenter calculates ratings according to Elo rating system.
What is the "Affiliation URL" in my profile? |
Periodically the igGameCenter or third parties will offer prizes for promotion of the igGameCenter site or specific games. |