igGameCenter API Developer Guide >> Authorization
The authorization is needed for the following actions:
  • Changing member's profile or password
  • Creating a new game board
  • Joining a game board and performing actions like making moves or sending messages in a game chat.
The authorization procedure involves sending member's username and password to the igGameCenter API and receiving an XML response containing member's ID and a unique session ID. These IDs should be sent for performing all actions mentioned above.

For authorization an external application should send a POST request to the following API script:

containing the following parameters:

Field Name Field Content
app_id Application unique ID
app_code Application secret passcode
login Member's nickname or e-mail
password Member's password (plain-text or MD5 hash)
md5 0 - if the password field contains a plain-text password

1 - if the password field contains a calculated MD5 hash of the member's password

[optional] [max 64 symbols] A unique id associated with the physical device / site / social network.

Sending this parameter allows igGameCenter to track the number of games played by the member via the application.

The returned response will be one of the following:

Success response:



Failure response:

<errorMessage>--Some error message--</errorMessage>


Field Name Field Content
uid Member's ID
name Member's Nickname
session_id Unique session ID
errorMessage Could be one of the following error messages:

DATABASE_ERROR - some fatal error occured while accessing DB
INVALID_APP_ID - invalid application ID specified
INVALID_APP_CODE - invalid application passcode specified
INVALID_EMAIL_NICK - invalid email or nickname specified
USER_NOT_FOUND - member with the specified email or nickname was not found
INVALID_PASSWORD - invalid password specified